She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages.
She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages.
The film star has an incredible car in addition to a large house.
In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.
In addition to magic and clowning, he is a highly skilled ventriloquist and pantomimist.
In addition to re-forming oxaloacetate, the cycle produces carbon dioxide and the energy-rich compound ATP.
An auxotroph requires, in addition to the principal carbon source, one or more organic nutrients.
"Furthermore, these child-raising families may raise other people's children in addition to their own."
In addition to the type and character of physical crosslink network, the entanglement, topological factors, reptation model, lateral .
The fifteen drums of methyl alcohol, in addition to loose lids, are bulging. You might as well recooper them.
In addition to transferring magnetic energy to the tail lobes, dayside reconnection also intensifies the electric field across the magnetotail.
There are two other forms of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) in addition to atherosclerosis: arteriolosclerosis and medial calcific sclerosis.
The pumpkinseed is considered an invasive species throughout much of its current range, which includes parts of Europe in addition to Florida.
A small quantity of sporinite and cutinite were identified in addition to the majority of the hydrocarbon-forming micro-components that mainly occurred as matrix vitrinites.
The white light comes from exciplex emission at the solid-state interface between (dppy)BF and NPB in addition to the exiton emission from NPB and (dppy)BF respectively.
In addition to unemployment and low family income levels, the Secretary could also consider existing USDA rural projects, the extent of outmigration, and existing public assistance.
He believed that Scripture contained many implied meanings in addition to its overt meaning, and he regarded written law (Torah) and oral law (Halakah) as ultimately one.
In addition to rammers and smaller vibration plates ,a whole range of other products for the domestic market and for export worldwide is currently produced in the USA .
Due to he difference of muscle tension between front and back musculature in his curs after operation, in addition to the ache after wound, it will cause domical talipes eqainus.
Let us agree that we need all those forenamed skills, plus lots others, in addition to a deep understanding of history, literature, the arts, geography, civics, the sciences, and foreign languages.
Many engine OEMs specify the minimum equilibrium TBN of the used lubric, in addition to other parameters that should be carefully monitored in order to ensure the oil is in satisfactory condition .